Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Smoking = Breast Cancer ?

Passive smoking

There's a study in London  that they are doing , to see if the earlier you start smoking and the longer you continue to the higher your chance of developing breast cancer . They are saying if you were exposed to second hand smoking at a young age , or as an adult that might also increase your chances of getting breast cancer . "Among the 79,990 women aged between 50 and 79 studied, the researchers identified 3,250 cases of invasive breast cancer during 10 years of follow-up" They said that breast cancer increased in              
"Smokers had a 16% increased risk of developing breast cancer after the menopause." The higher risk were in women that smoked 50 years or more , though out their life . This research also showed that women that never smoked but was exposed to smokers were also at a risk of devopling breast cancer. Basically smoking is bad , it can cause alot of health problems in the future .

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